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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Joy of Sharing and Caring...

We have always been taught that there is joy in sharing. Though not necessarily believing it all the time, we did share and did we care is a question that we shall keep for sometime later. All these have always happened only with personal acquaintances. We have always had a fear to open up to sharing with strangers.
In a city like Bangalore, it is tough to make friends with rank strangers, not counting people in your own PG and Office. In such a case, it is impossible to expect someone who you dont know would come pick you up to office. It would be wonderful if someone did that. Probably this is what Vipul Kasera must have been musing over when he launched CommuteEasy.
Commute Easy is an Online Vehicle Pooling facility for traffic congested cities Bangalore and Pune. Visit their website at and stay hooked to for further updates.
It is a free service and has recieved media attention too. I haven't got much time to go through it in intricate detail, but reading over what I could lay my hands on, I quite did not figure out how they make money or is it a 'Not for Profit' thing? Not that I care about how they work, but I was just curious!
All in all, a cool service. Do try it if you are interested! Share and spread the joy!
PS: Scott Adams blogged about a similar idea on June 13, i.e., yesterday.

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At June 14, 2007 9:58 PM, Blogger Gabbar said...

We definitely need more initiatives like these. It seems funny to me but since the government is not doing anything, the people of India have to do everything. Car pooling is another way to make public transport better by people of India. Anyways nice find.

At June 15, 2007 9:42 AM, Blogger desh said...

our CMD sent a mail on this to the whole company
this kind of practice I heard is quite prevalent in kolkata already

At June 15, 2007 11:11 AM, Blogger Smartalec said...

neat initiative! but how can it be a freebie?! there has got be a profit-incentive angle to it, no :O?!

At June 17, 2007 5:21 PM, Blogger Commute easy said...

Hey naresh,
Thanks for the blog post.

To clarify on the commercial aspect ..Commute Easy is not for profit as of now. However we are exploring ways of sustaining this,incentivising and growing this going forward.

We do need a sufficiently large user base to add more value.I think we are getting there :)

Vipul Kasera


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